Fully accredited Bachelor and Master built for tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.
To make an application, simply click ‘apply now’, fill in the form, upload the documents and book the admissions interview.
To support our students in their transition to a new country, Global School for Entrepreneurship arranges the visa for students who need one.
Bachelor € 14.200 per year
Pre-master € 7.100 per semester
Master full-time € 22.500
Master part-time € 14.500 per year
EU/EEA citizens can pay their tuition fees in instalments
1st of February for a February start
1st of August for a September start
1st of December for a February start
1st of June for a September start
After these deadlines, admission may still be possible if students are willing to start online. Please contact us for more information through
Highly Practical Education
At Global School for Entrepreneurship, we stimulate students to think, decide and act as entrepreneurs.
We give entrepreneurship the attention it deserves. Many universities offer entrepreneurship as an add-on to their program. Some through hands-on minors, others by touching on popular tools such as the business model canvas. Our program takes a radically different approach.
We aim to develop Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs: professionals with an entrepreneurial mindset, who feel comfortable in unpredictable environments.
We challenge, inspire and facilitate students to become an entrepreneur by being one. Our five-week modules provide students with practical learning methods and the latest knowledge from the field to develop entrepreneurial competencies. As Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs you have to be effective in dealing with unpredictability, and become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Entrepreneurship is not something you learn by reading a book. It demands learning through application; therefore, we are proud to be a FULLY ACCREDITED UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCE with a cutting-edge curriculum not just about entrepreneurs, but by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs. Our modules are designed to help you BUILD YOUR STARTUP and are therefore timed to meet your development needs, making it helpful to students focused on becoming architects of their own lives.
That is why the fully accredited Global School for Entrepreneurship focuses on applied sciences. We see entrepreneurship as a way to shape your own destiny and make a meaningful contribution to society. The only way to learn how to do this is by doing the work and actually starting your business.